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This year, the LGBT+ community (LGBT+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other spectrums of sexuality) is once again celebrating the successes of their history in various ways around the world in June. Over the past two decades, Switzerland has undergone a significant transformation that has led to greater acceptance and inclusion of the LGBT+ community. Nevertheless, conflicts and prejudice remain both within and outside the LGBT+ community. Given the diversity of identities, orientations and beliefs, this year's motto for Zurich Pride is: "Free in every way - since 30 years". As a proud partner of Zurich Pride, it is very important to us to promote inclusion and to set a sign against discrimination.
Johnson & Johnson moved into the new Basel Campus – one of nine J&J sites in Switzerland – only a few months ago. Now the Johnson & Johnson Innovation Hub Switzerland was inaugurated at this campus.
Although the Special Olympics National Winter Games 2024 in the beautiful Haslital / Brienz area are over, the lasting impact they’ve left behind resonates strongly in our hearts and minds.
On March 14, 2024, more than 170 individuals from the Swiss healthcare sector and from politics, business, and society gathered in Bern in the festive setting of the Viktor Award 2023 to celebrate diversity and innovation within the Swiss healthcare industry. This unique event especially celebrates those who often perform their extraordinary achievements behind the scenes and are committed to patient welfare.

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