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Swiss Red Cross - Support for Caring Relatives

According to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), over 540’000 adults in Switzerland care for a family member or relative. Due to demographic developments with an increasing aging population, the care and nursing of sick family members will become even more important in the future. Private caregiving can be a big burden as it comes on top of other commitments such as work, family life, etc. Caring for someone with dementia is particularly difficult. Private caregivers are likely to develop health complications themselves, both physical and mental and as a result, the Federal Council has adopted the "Action Plan to support and relieve the burden of caring and nursing relatives" as part of its Health2020 health policy priorities.

Working in partnership with the Swiss Red Cross since 2015, Johnson & Johnson in Switzerland supports the SRC program “Support for Caring Relatives”, through which private caregivers are offered a range of support and assistance. We are committed to reducing the burden on family caregivers who are caring for a family member with dementia.

“Support for Caring Relatives” offers relief hours where a professionally trained nurse takes over the care, giving the caregiver a much-needed break. Through education and support and various online tools, the caregivers can also increase their knowledge and build their resilience. The most recent addition to the program is the caregiver network, which was co-developed between the SRC and J&J and launched in 2019. These sessions offer caregivers a way to build their knowledge through talks by professionals on topics such as nursing and dementia. It also gives them a much-appreciated chance to meet and discuss with other caregivers who are in a similar situation. In 2020, J&J hosted a caregiver session on self-care, resilience and energy management – a program that will be further expanded in 2021.

Our personal engagement

We also collaborate with the Swiss Red Cross on a more local level. During Community Month, at some locations we offer projects where our employees can support the local Red Cross Cantonal organization for a day as volunteers.

Support during times of crisis

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Swiss Red Cross expanded its local programs and initiatives across Switzerland to support the most at-risk and isolated people in these difficult times. Johnson & Johnson in Switzerland supported the organization and its local specific COVID-19 programs with a significant donation.

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